Encuentra lo mejor al menor precio

Este blog fue creado pensando en todos aquellos que le apasiona viajar.

El objetivo es ofrecer información de lugares, trucos y otros datos útiles, así como vuelos o desplazamientos lo más económicos posible.


martes, 6 de agosto de 2013


We can know how is a country only for the faces that show in the notes up.

London has always been a gathering place for most prominent and influential people of their times. All of them have left  their mark on London, by designing great and lasting buildings, establishing institutions an traditions, and by writing about or painting the city they knew. Most of them have also had an influence on their times that spread out from London to the rest of the world.

Try to make a guide is so difficult due to the wide and great information there is about the city.

I live in London and one of my best friend is coming to visit the city soon, so i will try to do a guide thinking in people like her and people who live in London and they didn´t discover it yet.


I think where everyone start their visit is in: 

Westminster Cathedral

If you start your tour in Victoria Street you will see Westminster Cathedral, is the mother church and  the largest church of the Catholic community in England and Wales.

The cathedral opened in 1903, a little after Bentley's death. For reasons of economy the decoration of the interior had hardly been started and still much remained to be completed.

 In the way to Westminster Abbey you can see  awesome things like the next picture; the contrast between the old and the new.

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
                  Westminter Abbey: The Abbey is world - famous as the resting place of Britain´s monarchas. Within its walls can be seen some of the most glorious examples of medieval architecture in London.

The two Houses of Parliament, the Comons and the Lords, as well as innumerable offices are all covered by the title Palace of Westminster. Big Ben, atop London´s famous landmark, is in fact the bell that strikes the hour.

The Abbey is London´s oldest and most important church.

Westminster Abbey

St Margaret´s Church

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